Friday, April 23, 2010

DAY 33: The EGO died this morning at 4am sharp

DAY THIRTY-THREE: Thursday, 22nd April 2010

The sword glimmers like a jewel

As it catches the light

Before it slices through the air

And cuts off my head

A river of red flows

Carrying the debris

From a beginning that has no end

My heart still beats

But softly now

The head gave a final

Shrilling scream

Before descending

Into a tomb of silence

I lay me down to rest

To a place I truly belong

As the dirt beneath your feet

And here I shall stay


Kissing the soles of every being

Nurturing every soul

From the ground up

Now, we can get on with DAY THIRTY-THREE :-

Weight: 53kg

No. Of Prostrations: 40

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 35 minutes

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 053.

Quote from Page 053 for Day Thirty-Three:

“Anger is impermanent; disharmony is impermanent.

We must ask ourselves where we will be once that is over.

That’s more important than the moment of anger.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

It is a good thing I just killed the ego then.

I don’t have to deal with its sanctimonious Bull Shit Fury anymore.

Now, moving on swiftly....hello Day 34 and to the rest of my blissfully hope-filled life!


DAY THIRTY-TWO: Wednesday, 21st April 2010

Lately, I am in a poetic mood. This is something I have written a while back.

And I dedicate this poem to everyone, because we are the sum of life on earth.

Soft like snow

Healing like rain

Passionate like a storm

Warm as yellow

Rich as purple

Pure as white

After the snow melts

After the rain floods

After the storm rages

The sun rises

And a rainbow shines over us

Like a glorious halo

We are

As always

The embodiment

Of all life and colours

Of the earth.

We go through many things in life - from learning to walk our first few steps to running wild, and then believing that we can fly. In some experiences, we come out on top. While in others, we get knocked up. Soon we will discover that each experience is in itself a crucial lesson. When we refuse to stay down and be weighed down, when we persist and proceed, we can even reach for the stars.

Before we learnt how to laugh, we actually came out of our mother's wombs, crying and screaming. This may be why we may tend to laugh less and cry more. Hence, knowing how to protect our hearts becomes a priority and learning to trust someone becomes a scarcity. But in true living and loving, we will treasure both joyful laughter and tears of pain.

Finally, when we are laid to rest in our final box, we will disintegrate into the soil of mother earth. Will beautiful flowers grow right above us? Or even a tree? Will we be remembered for the things we did, said and built? Or will we be defined by the people we love? Did we leave behind a trail of mess and pain, or do we have a heritage of values to pass on?

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life in its ever changing twists and turns, takes each of us through a seemingly endless cycle. When our final resting hour beckons, all will be too late, all will be lost. So, why wait till then?

Say the things you want to say to the people you love or dream to love. Grab hold of them, and love them without pride or conditions. Forgive the people in your life now, because regret is a poison that will sting you in the end.You'll never know if their time on earth is going to be as long as yours.

Forgive, forget and let it go. The world has enough of garbage as it is. We do not need to add to the rubbish.

Cleanse your mind as you cleanse your soul.

Keep it real, stay true to yourself.

All we have right now is just time. And when that is taken away, there is really nothing left. Eventually, even the body that you have right now, will betray you. WE will grow old, become sick and die. And when we leave this place, we can't take anyone or anything along with us.

Now for my DAY THIRTY-TWO :-

Weight: 53kg

No. Of Prostrations: 40

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 35 minutes

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 029.

Quote from Page 029 for Day Thirty-Two:

“If you believe in God, that’s fabulous; if you believe in Buddha, that’s fabulous; if you don’t believe in anything, that’s fabulous.

But please believe in yourself and please believe in the happiness you can bring to the people around you.

Believe in that.

Wouldn’t that be lovely? “

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

Life is too short to be summed up in anger, hate, resentment, bitterness and pain.

Are you going to allow your life to be defined that way?

Happiness does lie in the deeds of your hands, in the words from your lips and in the thoughts within your mind.

Above all, it is in your caring heart.

Enough said.

DAY 31: Becoming a thing of Beauty - The Butterfly's Evolution

DAY THIRTY-ONE: Tuesday, 20th April 2010

Ok, I have to admit this.

Of all the household chores, there’s only one I don’t really like because I totally suck at it. And that is, ironing.

When I iron one side, it looks so nice and wrinkle-free. By the time I iron the other side, it is all crumpled again. I can’t figure out this ironing thing. I just do not have the gift for it, nor the skills???

I have to get myself one of those steamers thingy. I just steam all the wrinkles away while standing, and I don’t have to flip clothing from one side to the next side!

The chores I enjoy – mopping and vacuuming. Who would have guessed that I could actually acquire the ‘taste’ for such things?!

Wouldn’t it be just hilarious if my maid who ran away is reading this particular post? I think she’d fall off her chair! HAHAHA

I have become slightly ‘clever’ with my household chores now. It is all segmented and rotated on different days. By the end of the week, I would have finished every single square meter of the entire apartment.

Anyways, here is my DAY THIRTY-ONE :-

Weight: 53kg

No. Of Prostrations: 40

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 45 minutes

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 099.

This is the start of Chapter 06, entitled: LOVE & FEAR

Quote from Page 099 for Day Thirty-One:

“Don’t look for love. Create it with whoever you meet.

Don’t look for respect. Be humble and sow the seeds to be respected and cherished.

Don’t look for kind words. Speak to others kindly and you will get it naturally.

Don’t have ill motive for money, gain and possessions from others, and you will gain others’ trust, confidence and help.

Don’t find and magnify your own endless problems but solve, listen to and find solutions for others’ turmoil.

Then you will grow within and without.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

The truth of the matter is simple – no one is going to respect me if I had everything so easy and I seem to go about my days so leisurely, with such ease and comforts.

As of now, families and friends see me struggling to cope and they do not know what to make of it.

Today, I had lunch with my God-brother and his awesome singer-girlfriend, and they noticed the scars and blisters on my hands. They asked me what happened. And I told them that these were all from cleaning my home because I no longer have the maid.

Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

They could not believe that I was really doing it all on my own. To hear of the stories, or read about on my Facebook and Twitter updates is one thing - but to see the actual marks and scars on me – well, they do speak for themselves, don’t they?

I imagine it is the same for everyone – it is not just exclusive to me.

Especially considering the kind of reputation I had built for myself from my past actions/behaviour.

So, I do understand when some people may find it hard to believe because it sounds just too far-fetched. It would be like, Shirley is what now?! Impossible! Because this was one Empress of a Witch who made life a special kind of hell for those who served on her. See, how it all comes around now – back to me? Ain’t karma just grand? HAHA

In any case, if I don’t put myself through it all - every experience, every challenge and overcome each and every one, I would not conquer anything at all. If I do not use every opportunity to learn and embrace it as a blessing, then I would miss my golden opportunity to build a new track record of myself.

So, as of DAY ONE – there is no such thing as a bad day, bad experience or a bad luck. Not for me, at least. They are all opportunities, to train me, to better equip me in this life. And when major shit happens, it is my ‘testing opportunity’, no different than taking a public exam, to see if I have passed, improved or failed.

And if I have failed, then it is time for me to go back to the shit farm (BTTSF). This is a special code word that Rinpoche invented. Yup, BTTSF.

I am well aware of what I need to work on for myself, and I know what I am doing. If there was a camera that can be installed inside my head, then you would see a real gruesome internal battle scene. I guess, this is the only time violence is ever ‘allowed’ in Buddhism, or even ‘encouraged’ – when we are assassinating our ego, our demons and inner sirens.

Yes, I do mean ‘sirens’ like alarm bells and distress signals. Because these internal self-preservation mechanisms have got to be destroyed. They operate from afflicted perspectives. Hence, they will shelter you from the truth but will fool you into believing that it is sheltering you from pain. It is so sneaky like that. It is a real master of disguise, this self-defence mechanism.

In any case, I am under-going an overhaul internally. I am replacing these inner sirens with flower petals. Loads and loads of flower petals. And I imagine a sky filled with Buddhas. They are all looking down on me, throwing flower petals at me, all smiling and glowing with their warmth and kindness. Something similar to the scene from “American Beauty” where Kevin Spacey always imagined rose petals falling down on him, minus the naked woman, of course.

Then I continue, with no distress, with no need to defend myself but to see what more I can do for the person right in front of me. Mind you, I don’t always do this very well. But I am getting better at it with consistent practice.

So, yes, I expect the next two years for me will be HELL and HORROR personified.

But it is ok. I will endure and I will rise.

The worse it gets and the tougher it becomes, the more I will work hard to overcome.

We do not applaud someone for taking out the trash when he or she is on their way out. We applaud people for going beyond, especially when we know it is not an easy thing for that person to do.

By the end of the two years, I would have built a whole new track record and they will project a new image, a new reputation for myself.

Therefore, the work starts with here and now. The present.

It is the toughest but the most necessary part, because it is the beginning to a bright beautiful FUTURE.

I shall end this post with a little poem I wrote –

We often marvel at the beauty of butterflies

But we rarely acknowledge the amazing changes

It had to go through in order to achieve that beauty

And beauty does reside within each of us

Stirring our souls in deep repose.

Yes, this worm of a woman is on her way to becoming a butterfly.

Just you wait and see.

As they say – watch this space!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


DAY THIRTY: Monday, 19th April 2010

Before I begin, I just want to thank the kind readers and friends who have taken the time to write, share their comments, thoughts, feelings and even experiences. I value all of them very much. They are all most encouraging and useful. And I do mean ALL - even those constructive criticism. To know that people who do not even really know me, or have not even met me, care enough to pen down their thoughts and ideas so that I can improve, moves me deeply.

So, I thank you everyone HUMBLY and DEARLY.

As one reader/friend put it so well - it is really wonderful to be able to give and receive support in this way.

Today's technology is so highly developed and it allows us to do many beneficial things, when used correctly.

Is it amazing that all our 'outer technology' are so well developed, but we neglect to develop our 'inner technology' with the same conviction, passion and dedication?

Is it even more amazing that a lot of people say that they do not need to learn Dharma and that spirituality is not important in their lives? They actually believe that these are separate from life and that they do not need it at all.

Here lies our greatest divide -the way we perceive.

At this juncture in my life, there are many things that I have to learn to do. Yes, I may use the words: HAVE TO quite a fair bit, but not in a negative way because it is not defined in a negative way, from my perspective.

The reason I say that I have to is because I never had to do all these things before, and most of these things are new to me. In fact, I really NEED TO learn how to do them well so that they all become part of who I am. Then and only then, I can safely say that I AM all of the things that I aspire to be.

So, for now, I have to and I need to - and it is with great urgency that I do them and learn them.

I cannot take my own sweet time with Dharma because it is everything to do with life and people I love. So, I undertake all of them with a joyous heart because I am doing it now and not walking away or quitting.

Finally, I am beginning to understand one of the 6 Paramitas - Joyous Effort. There is no pain and suffering anymore in doing more and in pushing myself more. And I like it that I do get it now.
So, it's 30 days down, and 70 days more to go in order to complete 100 days.

Today, I want to celebrate a little milestone of mine for coming this far by sharing with you some of my most priceless possessions in life.

They are letters, or rather emails from my Guru, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.

Yes, I keep all the letters and cards from my Guru.

And I am not even a sentimental kind of person either. So, imagine that.

I read them again and again because I know that everything my Guru teaches me are all spelt out in them. So, from time to time, I would go back to them. No different than a refresher course. And then I check my own mind to see if I have changed, improved or gone worse.

This is an email I got from Rinpoche when I just first got to know HIM, dated 23rd November 2006

Dear shirley, thank you for your heartfelt and honest email. I appreciate getting it. I have read it thru and there's not much I need to say as you have doubts just like everyone normal person and they come and go. But you overcome and become stronger because you are intelligent and can see deeper than many people.

I am very glad also to see you in dharma talks, because the more you attend, you will see the meaning sink into you and your mind/actions will eventually follow.

You have helped in the past and I have never forgotten your kindness. I do sincerely request to help in the future. Everyone would benefit from that. I thank you in advance.

I am very happy that you are doing the 8 line prayer. They will help you gain wisdom, push away obstacles and fears, protect and open the conditions for your sacred connection to vajrayogini open. That is important. Along with your prayers, offerings, black tea, do attend Manjushri and contribute. Don't wait and have people just fill you with information, you read up and contribute because you can. Very important. And attend dharma talks..those are vital for you. The ones you have missed, please get the dvds and listen. I am sure it will help you.

You have all the qualities to benefit people and you can. Dharma will give you direction in doing that. You are a bright, young, and fast lady who has a helping heart...let that manifest........let it out and manifest please....

May Mother vajrayogini keep you.. tsem tulku

OMG – I was so erratic then. Those were the days when I really did not like doing any daily prayers at all. Not one bit. It was a kind of hell for me to be sitting in one place, chanting the same things over and over. I would have rather gone to bed earlier or stayed in bed for much longer periods.

You can see what Rinpoche highlighted. He wrote, “Don’t wait and have people just fill you with information, you read up and contribute because you can.”

Not long after that email. I stopped going to Dharma Talks altogether. I invented ingenious excuses to keep myself away for a long time.

Late 2006 was the time I decided to return into the world of the living. Prior to that, I was in like a cold storage – self-imposed exile from the rest of the world. I did not want to go out, see anyone or any friends. I did not want to talk to anyone. I was pretty much keeping communication with the outside world to a bare minimum. So much so that my dearest friend, Sharon, became a “reluctant complaints desk of Shirley”. Anyone and everyone who has any complaints of, or about Shirley, would go to her and air their grief or displeasure.

Poor Sharon. She got the brunt of it. For a long time, I did not even answer her text messages or phone calls either. And yes, Sharon is one of my dearest and oldest friend.

When I decided to shut out, I cut off completely.

I simply did not know how to cope with myself, and the remains of my life.

So, after much contemplation, I realised that the ONLY real loser was me. Then I decided to do something about it.

Having not attended any of Rinpoche’s Dharma Talks and having missed a lot of his teachings, I then decided to go back to the audio teachings and listened to them. But I did not want to just listen and then, write to Rinpoche to inform him that I have already listened to everything I have missed.

I wanted to go show him that I listened, contemplated and even took the teachings home to my heart.

Hence, I went through about 12 to 15 teachings and started short listing those quotes that spoke to me. All in all, it took me about 2 years. Then I decided that the best gift to my Guru would be to show him what I have understood and what I have learnt from all his teachings.

At that same time, Kechara Media & Publications (KMP) was also in the midst of collecting quotes from all of Rinpoche's teachings. KMP wanted to publish a Coffee Table Book of Rinpoche's quotes paired with beautiful pictures. So, they were very kind to let me be involved and become a part of the team.

Here, I’d like to explain something that most people may not realise.

Any contribution or donation, big or small, towards any Dharma work is most meritorious. Because we are helping to promote the Dharma, we are helping to get the Dharma out to benefit others. It is one of the highest spiritual practice we can engage in. It is not them doing us a favour, it is us having the honour and priviledge to be able to contribute and donate to such compassionate noble work of the highest sense. Very meritorious indeed!

The highest is, of course, serving one’s Guru directly.

So, at every chance or opportunity that we can get hold of, we should be rushing in to just donate and contribute to any form of Dharma work. Again, the honour and priviledge is ours.

We not only collect tremendous merits, but we also purify our own bad karma at the same time. Therefore, like I said, it was most kind of KMP to give me the precious opportunity to contribute in a very small way.

So, KMP decided to combine all the quotes that I have collected and what they have already short listed as well. Jamie and Sharon helped a great deal. They were both so patient and tolerant of me. Bear in mind, this was in 2006. I was still my bitchy and witchy self. So, I was not exactly a “Mary Sunshine” to work with. More like a "Chainsaw Massacre Nightmare" type. Yet, they remained lovely and wonderful throughout and we became very dear friends as a result of it all.
Yes, KMP even gave me the honour and priviledge to name the Coffee Table Book. Yes, I chose the title especially. Because it was in itself a teaching and reminder to myself.

Can you guess it already? HAHA

The first edition of IF NOT NOW WHEN? looked very different from this current Peace Edition. But the essence of it all is still kept very much ALIVE in the book.

So, everytime I look at this book, I remember what pains and grief I gave to my darling dearest friends, Jamie and Sharon. And yet they endured me, because the fruit of our labour was more important than our petty little issues. Well, it’s actually more of Shirley’s petty DIVA issues, to be exact.

If they were not Dharmic in any sense of the word, they would have just walked out and say, “WE DO NOT NEED TO PUT UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT AND BAD ATTITUDE!”

But they didn’t. They cared about the book being beneficial to others when it is done and out, and they cared about me – wanting me to receive the benefits, merits and purification of my bad karma as well. So, in the end, it is all thanks to them both. I do love them both dearly.

There were other people who helped a great deal, like Joy. But they were spared from my raving tantrums, because Jamie and Sharon were the human shields.

This is why I say and will always say - Dharma brothers and sisters, our Dharma Family – they are truly irreplaceable. They will allow themselves to become many things just so we can gain the merits and the attainments. They are all my very best friends, my BFF.

Today, I fall on my knees with my palms pressed together - I thank each and everyone in Kechara. Especially, Ruby, Jamie, Sharon, Su Ming, Beng Kooi, and JP. They are the true Warriors of Compassion, braving all our arrows, venom, spit and wrath in order to help us remain in our spiritual path.

In any case, this is how the book was born – from the kindness of the Guru, to the kindness of our Dharma brothers and sisters. And the reason I brought this up is so that those reading will get to know how wonderful Kechara members are. They truly embody selflessness and loving kindness. Above all, their warmth and friendship are REAL. Next time, I shall share other stories of my experiences with other Dharma sisters and brothers in Kechara.

But for now, please allow me to truly rejoice. The book has become so much better, with a new sexy look as well. So, what other proof do one need to see that COMPASSION DOES CONQUER ALL and DOES BENEFIT so many? It is really beyond words.

That was how IF NOT NOW WHEN? began. This Coffee Table Book that summed up everything that I had to battle within myself, from 2002 to 2006. The words in the book literally saved my life, and opened up my mind.

Hopefully, it does the same for many people reading it.

What I truly love about the words in the book is that they will never be dated. They will not just go out of fashion and become irrelevant after next season, or even in a decade.

In fact, the words will grow with you.

As you grow and see more, you will find that the book reveals even more to you in time. And depending on what you may be going through, you will find that the words will speak to you in different ways, at various levels.

It is truly an eternal companion, like a good dear friend – no different than how Sharon and Jamie are to me. No different than how valuable the Guru is to me.

In the highest regard, I always imagined that Rinpoche is speaking to me directly whenever I read the words. So, I take them to heart even more. And with each realisation, I begin to incorporate the verses into my daily life.

Here is another email I’d like to share with all of you. I received this from Rinpoche in December of 2006.

Dear shirley,

You are not bad. So dont use that as an excuse to not do more. You're bad would be the same bad as anyone else.

You really do want to do more. But you're very afraid of commitment. Don't be afraid of's never forever...but while we have the chance, then we should commit because i won't be alive forever. Why is it not forever, because death is near, old age/sickness which inhibits us is near, because time is not on our side. So no matter how 'committed' we are, it's not forever.

We at kechara house, including you, are a good group, we are sincere and we are the leftovers from the goody too don't worry. I would love to have you as a 'student' and very happy for you to join found something good that can only enhance your don't think too much. We spend more time and energy deciding a car we want to buy, at least with dharma don't waste time and energy but just do it.

You don't have to go into deep practice at this time, and deep meditations....just be involved with our committee and would enjoy that. Certainly your quickness, intelligence and soft heart is needed. We have so many obstacles from the outside, inside and left and right and sometimes we are just plain bullied because we are nobody here and now...but that is ok, compassion and love is the key. Why, because i don't want to be unhappy so having compassion and forgiving takes care of that.

You please get involved. Get involved with the work aspects because you are fast. Stop waiting till you're a perfect being THEN YOU ONLY do it now because you and I are not a perfect being and that is WHY WE DO IT.

Think about all that and jump in and stay in my friend that wears herself down with all types of thinking....relax and do..

much care, tsem tulku

I chose these two emails to share with you all today, because they showed how I veered and strayed from time to time. It was not immediate for me. I certainly took my own sweet time. And now you can understand why Rinpoche said that I taught him the real meaning of patience. And then, Rinpoche laughs.

Rinpoche knows me better than I know myself. That is scarily true.

So, that is what I did – I ran, I hide, I go back and forth and run around in circles again, thinking that I had to figure it all out, believing that I need to sort out myself and be ready, when the truth is so simple but I just could not see it. May be I did not want to see it.

No wonder Rinpoche shakes his head and rolls his eyes, BUT still, HE will continue to just wait and wait, and Rinpoche will always continue to pray that all his students will come around sooner and not later. Rinpoche will never give up on anyone. Even when they have left, even when they can give up on themselves. Rinpoche will continue to wait until every 'child' comes 'home'.

In truth, the Guru is already here, right infront of our very eyes, waiting and eager to help us.

But what do we do?

So, please don’t be like me and waste a whole lifetime because you think that you are not ready and you believe that you are not going to like it. Or you imagine it is going to be like this or like that.

Frankly, we are never going to be quite so ready. That is why the Guru is there in the first place.

Don’t think too much, and waste precious time in running here or there, or hide behind your issues and anger or fears. Without or with the Guru, you will still have those issues. They were all there even before you met the Guru. So, these scary issues are not going anywhere anytime soon until they are properly dealt with.

Believe me when I say this - the issues will not go away and get smaller. They will most likely become much worse. But at least, when you do have the Guru, you have the “DOCTOR” at hand and the remedy is within your reach. And you are rest assured that the remedy is indeed the best and right remedy for you.

So, don’t run and hide just because you cannot take the “bitterness” of the “medicine”. Don’t try to find the easier route to escape because it really does not help you in the ultimate sense. The bad taste of the medicine is at its worst at the beginning, because the real pain is when you actually tear down the walls of your EGO. After that, there will be less and less anger and pain.

If we give up now, we give up on our only true salvation.

Is that what you really want? To live a life of denial?

So, trust the Guru and go all the way.

Anyways, here is my DAY THIRTY :-

Weight: 53kg

No. Of Prostrations: 40

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: Nada. No time at all.

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 109.

Quote from Page 109 for Day Thirty:

“The people who complain, have difficulties, who are bitchy and problematic, the people who don’t transform, and the people who create gossips and problems – forgive them, love them, transform them by your example, and give them hope and courage by your persistence and effort of not giving up.

Do not criticise, gossip, talk about them, write about them or say things about them, but in response to their harm, give them benefit.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

You know how much the Chinese value their ‘image’ and what they like to call, ‘their face value’. They frown at people who open up their wounds, scars and weaknesses and faults for all to see. They look down at such things because to look good is paramount.

Yet, in my blog, I am exposing myself and I do not even know who reads at all.

I open up my wounds, my scars and fears for all to see.

Do you wonder why?

In my daily prayers, among other things, I pray for all those who left and those who gave up.

I visualise each and every one of them clearly as if they are sitting right in front of me. I also pray for those who are un-willing to step into the spiritual path because of their own doubts, anger, confusion or fears.

I do all these because I was exactly like them. So, I know what that feels like and how it was.

But they are the source of my inspiration.

It is for them that I want to open up and I challenge myself each day.

It is for them that I give myself over so that my own journey will be something they bear witness to. Because if I can do it, and I am progressing on a daily basis, that would mean that anyone and everyone also can do it. And I am sure that everyone can do it much better than me. I am an ex-sloth and late bloomer, remember?

BUT it is all only possible, only if they want to, only if they allow themselves to.

So, I pray for them and I dedicate to them.

It is not about me.

It is about what I can do for them.

If I have something of use and can be of use to them, then yes, I would have done something worthy by my Guru’s teachings. I would have done something worthwhile as I am breathing.

It is not much, I know.

I am not much – well, not for now, anyways.

In any case, I matter very little.

This is all about you.

It is for you.

Yes, you – the one reading.

It does not matter that I don’t know you or have not met you or may not even meet you ever.

What matters is that you are important to me.

We embark on spiritual practice not just to heal and save ourselves.

We embark on the spiritual path so that we get healed and then we begin to heal others.

This is why Rinpoche will always say, it is about them, the others. Not about himself or myself.

It is all for you – all of you.

So, whatever your spiritual path is called, or is named - be it Catholic, Hindu, Muslim, etc - please, just start and please stay on the path.

Please, do not stop or quit.

"I humbly request you all to continue your spiritual journey. It does not matter whether it is with us, on your own or somewhere else. But do continue with your spiritual journey."

This is the very last quote in the book. It is entitled EPILOGUE.

I love that picture with Rinpoche turning back and looking at us. Yes, I chose that picture especially and I thank KMP for keeping it like that. That picture means a great deal to me because Rinpoche is already so far ahead and yet HE will always slow HIMSELF down, and look back just to make sure we are all still following behind HIM.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

DAY TWENTY-NINE: Sunday, 18th April 2010

I haven’t had much sleep lately.

Well, after all the washing, ironing and cleaning, I have to complete my actual ‘media work’ and dharma assignments. But first, I have to make sure that my daughter is put to bed and sleeping soundly. Then I can go on to do what I really need to do.

I think I slept like 2 hours.

No, I am not complaining. Not in the least.

I know in the past I would have just screamed, shouted, cried and say that I am already pushed to the corner, I GIVE UP! I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!

Yes, in the past, that would be exactly me.

But remember why I started this 100 Days with “If Not Now, When?” Challenge?

I made a promise that I was going to attack all my bad habits and transform myself to be consistent and push myself to do more and get out of my lazy, sloth-like way of life.

So, it has been 29 days and I am still at it, despite the things that has happened.

I am still here and going strong each day.

The best part, I did not shout, scream, kick and scratch anyone while I was at it.

The only times I felt really explosive was when I was in my car, by myself. That was about 10 days ago. And I allowed myself to ‘erupt’ in the car, by myself so that it was all contained.

I just screamed and screamed until I started crying and then, not too long after, I felt so relieved.

Tonight, just before my daughter slept, she said that she felt really happy and close to me. She slept with a smile.

I guess this is what it is all about - we start with love and end with love.

So, here is my DAY TWENTY-NINE :-

Weight: 53kg

No. Of Prostrations: 40 (Increased from 35)

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: Nil. Another crazy manic day.

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 129.

Quote from Page 129 for Day Twenty-Nine:

“Ants work so hard to drag crumbs, dig and build anthills, jostle to mate with each other and then may be ‘securely’ die. In between, someone may step on their anthill, it might rain or myriads of other incidences might arise to take away their hard-earned security. Our life is like that but just longer. No matter where we are, there is no security in samsara.

As long as we continue to work towards that sense of security, we will become disillusioned, depressed and tumble down, no matter how ‘high’ we get. No matter how much we build our lives towards this, it will be constantly threatened, taken away or we will lose it in the end. And because of our strong habituated belief that THERE IS SECURITY, our sufferings arise.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

There is simply nothing permanent in life.

No matter how real the happiness is, it too shall pass.

No matter how painful the suffering is, it too will pass.

Emotions and moments come and go.

However when we can’t let go and we keep grasping onto every joy, sadness, pain or pleasure, etc – then, this is where our real problems begin and seems unable to end.

I used to dwell and even tie myself to the pain, like it was a bloody anchor.

I used to be so hungry for the pleasure or spurts of joy that I would crave and crave incessantly.

I used to make things even worse for myself, as you can well imagine.

The only security is in knowing that life is as fragile as it is impermanent.

It is also most unpredicatable.

But because it is so fragile, unpredictable and impermanent, then it becomes precious.

Then we learn to appreciate people and life for what it truly is.

So, I sleep a lot less now and the shit can hit the fan at any given day, especially after the day I had it buffed and polished.

So what is the big deal? Who says that everything must be rosy all the time and that everything must flow about smoothly every single day?

Why must I yell and make the whole earth tremor and shake just so that everyone knows that I am having a bad day? Just so that everyone must be disturbed by my bad day?

Why create disasters when there is none?

Why carry it around when we can already leave it behind like last season’s fashion?!

This is one thing I have learnt from my Guru and that my dad could not teach me himself – I don’t need to make myself into an angry storm when shit happens, and then become a cyclone or hurricane when I am around others.

When things go wrong, my dad gets all upset and he just cannot let it go because it is always about the seriousness or the gravity of the situation and the enormity of its impact. Of course, when you want to see it that way, there is nothing else to see but a catastrophe emerging.

Then my dad would have no control over his emotions, he would ‘share’ the full force of his anger, frustrations and rage with everyone he comes into contact with.

The saddest thing is – it really takes a toll on him, while damaging others within his path. Then again, he did not have a Guru, nor does he believe that he needs one. Hence, he would continue as such.

So, in this respect, everyone gets hurt and no one is safe from harm’s way.

But why allow such a thing to happen in the first place? Why create storms and disasters when there is no need for it?

When I was still in the family business, I did not know any better. I was within that environment and it was completely natural and normal to me. I was even doing the exact same things to people around me. Hence, the vicious and brutal cycle continues.

There is so much un-necessary pain and hurt that goes around in circles, repeating themselves. And yet when we blind ourselves to it, we become active proponents of it.

Here, again – when we do not know any better, how do we tell the difference?

Honestly, we are the cause of pain and suffering to ourselves. But we are also the very ones who can stop the pain and suffering, and even cure it. However, without a Guru or a Teacher, we would most likely not push ourselves to do it and we would just give up too soon. On our own, we can’t tell the difference between what’s a remedy and what’s a denial.

If we were truly to be left to ourselves, we would just continue being trapped in our afflicted perceptions and emotions.
So, this is why I push myself each day, each morning even though some days I really just want to stop.
Because I remember very clearly what happened each time I stopped and quit. I remembered how I just got no where and I end up still the same, frustrated, angersome and a little worse for wear. And so much time has already been wasted.
I have been down that road before - the road of giving up, being lazy, too scared to push myself ad not wanting to break that barrier. It seriously got me no where.
At best, it only provided me with a temporary respite but even then I knew, it was just an illusion.
I have had enough of illusions, mirages, charades and deluded representations of the truth.
I have had my fair share of Bull Shit.
Enough. This is not a movie or a movie set.
I want to learn how to cope with reality and not find ways to escape from it, or just spend time raging when reality bites me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

DAY 28: By what name or label is your Guru called, as long as it brings out the best in you, then it is the Guru for you

DAY TWENTY-EIGHT: Saturday, 17th April 2010

I am happy to report that I did not try to excuse myself even when I was not feeling well, and take the easy way out.

I still continued with my household chores, my daily sadhanas, prostrations, my dharma assignments and my media work.

In the past, I would have found myself perfect reasons NOT to continue and created ways for me to get out of every duty and responsibility.

Granted, some things I may not have done so well – like keep this blog updated on a daily basis. However, I would continue to do what I set out to do even if I have not posted them in the blog.

Hey, this is a lot of progress ok coming from the ex-Queen of Sloth and Self-Serving Bitch.

Anyhow, I am not looking for anyone to pat me in the back. This is not what it is about.

I am not waiting to be praised and seeking for it either.

It is about self-transformation – of the mind and the heart.

If that can be achieved, it is already the most precious reward and gift in itself.

Yes, it is so easy to give up. So convenient to just walk away and say, to hell with all this.

Because it goes against every single thing that we are so naturally grown accustomed to, and we certainly would not want to give it all up. It is too painful to be giving it all up.

Here, I am not talking about money.

I am referring to our normal way of doing things, thinking, feeling and everything that sums up our habituation.

Why do you think most people quit and only a handful will stay and persevere?


Sadly a lot of people would give up because when they come face to face with themselves, they cannot take it.

They rather blame the Guru, the Dharma center, their Dharma brothers and sisters, anyone else except themselves.

I used to be exactly that way.

I would argue with my Guru.

I would ignore my Guru.

I would go against what my Guru advises me to do, and had the audacity to doubt HIM and think that HE did not know me any better.

Oh yes, I have gone through all the shades, colours and motions of the love-hate relationship with my Guru.

It was like a mirror of all my relationships with everyone in my life summed up in one major relationship – that was how it was for me.

My Guru made me see things I refuse to see, things I never thought I could be or have been but did not want to acknowledge.

In the end, it was all about my EGO fighting with my Guru.

Since 2004 to 2008, it was like a roller coaster ride.

But I did not leave because I knew my Guru was right. Even when I could not bring myself to accept what HE said, or agree with what HE prescribed for me to do – I always knew deep down inside my Guru held my best interest at heart.

My most difficult task was to convince my stubborn EGO to let go, or if not, I’d kill my EGO myself.

So, the struggle went on daily.

And the battle went on for about 5 years.

It is easy to be distracted and find ways to distract ourselves in order to pretend that all is well.

It is so easy. I could waste an entire week on just watching movies just so I don’t have to face my real problems.

When you are so rich or well off, you don’t feel that you need values and spirituality. Because life is seemingly so great and fabulous.

When you are trying to work your ass off to put food on the table, and you are dying of exhaustion because you are working more jobs than you can handle, then you would feel that you have no time for values and spirituality. It becomes a luxury that you just cannot afford.

But at the end of the day, when you are all alone, you will know what’s real and what’s a lie.

As much as we can fool everyone else, even ourselves, at times, we cannot fool everyone all the time. Not even ourselves. Not all the time.

I remember how it was so important for me to be loved and adored at one point. But even when I had people falling for me, and expressing their undying love – and then what?

The emptiness cannot be filled by someone else.

At one time, I thought it was so important for me to have beautiful cars and expensive branded items to flaunt around and even when I got them all and more, so what? And then what?

So, we get the fame, the money, the ideal partner, the great job, the hot body – and then what?

After a while, everything and everyone become stale, pale and faded. Even I became jaded.

When we have no inner peace, there can be no outer peace.

And no matter how much we try to escape or distract ourselves, it is only a matter of time the truth will come and bite us where it hurts the most.

This is why I truly value having my Guru.

Because the Guru reflects the suffering that we are putting ourselves through, but also at the same time, the Guru reflects what we can become when we rise above all our delusions.

When we cannot even see the best of us, and will not commit to becoming the best of ourselves, then the Guru embodies all of it and pushes us to become it. HE will push and pull, tug, probe and do whatever HE needs to do until we are truly free.

So, trust and belief in the Guru are keys to our freedom.

Because unless you know how to free yourself, you need the KEY MASTER.

And let’s not kid ourselves, shall we? If we did have the key or know how to free ourselves, we wouldn’t be in the state that we are in now.

So, the only question you will have is – do you have the courage to want to be liberated?

Now, that is something only you can answer for yourself.

And here is my DAY TWENTY-EIGHT :-

Weight: 53kg (You are going to laugh. Apparently, my weighing scale has not been re-adjusted properly. So, I was weighing myself wrongly! HAHAHA)

No. Of Prostrations: 35

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: Nil. Did not have time. What a crazy busy day!

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 123.

Quote from Page 123 for Day Twenty-Eight:

“Yes, your difficulties and your problems are genuine, they are real, but they will also pass.

Time is short.

Opportunities will be lost.

If you think you are young and you are going to live forever, the people around you who you care about will not be young and live forever.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

The Guru gives you the keys to resolving all our problems.

The Guru heals us and teaches us how to heal others in return.

If this is not something precious and important to you, then I guess, living an authentic life that’s meaningful and purposeful is not important to you as well.

These are the reasons why I commit to my Guru at long last, and why I have not looked back since.

Whether your Guru is a man, a church, a temple, a mosque, a community, a cause, a mission, or a pet, or even an enemy – whatever it is called, it matters not – what truly matters is this – it made you a better person – one that you could not grow into on your own.

If you have found that Guru, then please by all means, do not just give up and walk away because it is hard or painful.

It is because it is painful and hard that you will become the better you.

This is the investment that you make now, with yourself, in yourself.

Are you worth such an investment?

Think about it deeply and carefully.

This is really for you - the best of you.


I do apologise for being behind in my blog post again.

This week, it really felt like I was either running out of time, or that there was just not enough time in a day for me to do all the things that I needed to do.

As you all may know by now, I am without a maid.

Considering that I have spent most of my life, with maids and helpers of sorts.

It was quite surreal to be cleaning my own house, washing my own clothes, cleaning my own bathrooms, ironing, vacuuming, dusting, mopping the floor and etc.

By the way, did I happen to mention that I am completely anal about dirt and cleanliness? Yes, I am soooo anal about dirt. I’d run my fingers through surfaces and check if it is all dirt-free too. It is such a rotten habit to have when one is without a maid.

Yea, I am the kind who would make up my own room even before the chamber maids arrive to make-up my hotel room, and I’d re-arrange some things according to what I like or prefer after the chamber maids have left. Yes, exactly that kind of anal.

In any case, I was just determined to get through this.

So, it was quite interesting to see how I adjusted myself and my life’s schedule.

It got a little more hectic when my daughter came back to stay with me, because that meant I had to cook, clean after her and spend quality time with her – after doing whatever it is that I needed to do.

I was having a conversation with myself in my head – there are so many women who live without maids, and they have two or three children, some may be working as well and if they can cope, why can’t I?

As you can now quickly guess why I was behind in my blog post – I was beginning my life as an ordinary person, an average person and coping as best I can.

Granted I am sure, I am still at a better place than most people and for all the little mercies and blessings, I am very grateful.

So, perhaps it is a blessing in disguise after all – having no maid, that is.

My daughter likes it that I am totally and completely with her most of the time.

We even got to play Monopoly – something we have not done in a long while.

So, that is very nice indeed.

As for the cleaning, washing and etc – it is when I start doing all these myself, I realise how very little the maid has been doing and how much gets swept under the carpet so-to-speak. Then again, this is coming from Ms. ANAL I-want-everything-Dirt-free-clean.

First few days, I had blisters on my hands – yea, that’s what happens when hands like mine have not been cleaning for a while. So, they are not used to it.

But guess what, we humans are so adaptable.

Soon, everything heals and the body adapts and even the aches and pains will go away in time.

I am actually getting a hang of it. Like I said in my twitter, I CAN SO DO THIS!

The best part of not having the maid around – I can walk around naked and it is all right. I ain’t giving no one a heart attack, or sore eyes for that matter.

So, please forgive me for being so late and here is my DAY TWENTY-SIX: Thursday, 15th April 2010

Weight: 54kg (ya, still!)

No. Of Prostrations: 35

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 35 mins

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 089.

I think I have picked out this page before, but as I said, it is all done at random, so here it is again. And it is so encouraging to get this quote at this time in my life.

Quote from Page 089 for Day Twenty-Six:

“The heroes we see in everyday life are just like you and me, except they are not afraid to be wrong, to admit their mistakes or to admit they are afraid. And in spite of the mistakes and fear, they achieve what they set out to do anyway.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

I do sincerely appreciate this quote, especially at this time.

Because I am at this juncture where I am facing all my demons head on and I am not running away. And it is not because I am suddenly so heroic or filled with courage. I still have the fear in me. But I am no longer paralysed by the fears, doubts and uncertainty that I face.


Of course my father was being protective and concerned, like all parents are. Naturally, all parents want what is best for their children. But it is what is best according to them, from their point of reference and life experiences.

But that statement used to scare me so much that I literally did not dare make a move or even make a real decision.

The few times that I did make a decision on my own and I failed were enough to be used against me, to remind me time and time again how I have not been able to do anything right and that I am just so un-qualified.

Soon, I began to believe that I was really un-qualified and that I should just stay as I was. Just stay un-moving. That belief that I would lose everything because of my inability to make the right decisions has led me to rot in a state of stagnation that lasted more than 15 years.

I gave up trying.

I did not even dare entertain the thought any more.

Just shut up and shut out.

It was no surprise to find that I was in some sort of “cold storage” for the most part of my adult life.

Hence, I will have to say that I am a late bloomer because I had not lived until I decided to break myself out of that comfort zone.

Fear is a very paralysing prison.

And yet we may not even be aware because most of the time, we are in denial.

It took so much out of me just to open the door to my ‘gilded cage’ and even when I stood there, at the edge – I was not even sure if I could actually “fly” because I have never used my own “wings” before.

There were times when I felt that I was free-falling or even drowning.

There were times when I felt so alone and scared and lost.

Those were indeed very scary times for me, personally.

Because there were no longer a safety net or security cushion around anymore – and I realised that I had given all control and power over to my dad.

He never asked for it, mind you.

He never even made me feel small.

I did it all.

I allowed him to.

It was all me, because I was afraid to be responsible for myself.

It was always easier to blame someone else or something else when things don’t go well and they all screw up.

So, if it was all in someone else’s hands – then, it was never going to be my fault.

Hence, I rather live a life that was “supposedly safe” just so save my own EGO.

Again, it is all about self preservation.

Cherishing myself, my mind and my own comfort zone.

In the end, my dad had to work even thrice as hard because he was living his life, my life and raising our entire family.

This is what happens when we allow FEAR to win – when we allow ourselves to tip to the dark side – then it becomes COWARDICE.

However, if we allow ourselves to rise in spite of the fear and still go ahead and do what we set out to do, then it becomes COURAGE.

FEAR is neither good or bad – it is what we decide to do with it.

So, today, I can say with an open heart that I am no longer afraid of shit happening and hitting the fan.

I know how to clean now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

DAY 25: The Day The Dust Settles and My Nose Reacts

DAY TWENTY-FIVE: Wednesday, 14th April 2010

I can’t believe that I made it through 25 days already.

75 days more to go, and then it’ll be a 100 days.

I am not feeling better today.

In fact the cold and headache have become slightly worse.

But at least, the cough is gone.

At the rate I am going, I think it is so obvious – I am just allergic to real work.

So, I am getting sick because my allergies are all rebelling inside my body.

I can just hear all the little ‘mini-me’s inside my body, holding placards, shouting “WE ARE ON STRIKE”, “WE REFUSE TO WORK”, “HONK IF YOU SUPPORT US”.

Oh, get over yourself and shut-up!

Things are going to change around here and the old ways are dead and gone!

So, work it is or beat it!

Find another lazy body to inhabit why don’t you?!

There, now they are all quiet and cooperative.

So, here is my DAY TWENTY-FIVE :-

Weight: 54kg

No. Of Prostrations: 35

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: none but can we please include household chores? Haha

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 081.

This is a long one, but very good indeed.

Quote from Page 081 for Day Twenty-Five:

“We want to be skinny but we don’t control eating. We want affection but we push away those who shower us with it. We want to be free of debts but we recklessly spend. We want love but we don’t want to accommodate and change. We want a good reputation but we don’t act in ways that invite it. We want people to help but do we really help? We want respect but we run away when it gets tough. We want blessings but without commitments. We want freedom from problems but we run from remedies. We are frustrated and we don’t know much but we don’t want to study. We want a good body but we don’t want to exercise and diet.

We want clairvoyance but we don’t engage in retreats. We want understanding but we create confusion with our non-commitment. We want clarity of our intentions but without effort. We want not to be misunderstood but our words are elusive. We want blessings and affection but without devotion. We want constant support but we don’t make time for others. We don’t want conflict but we break our word of honour. We want smiles, nice words and acceptance but we are hard and unforgiving. We pray but our prayers don’t bear fruit. We hate problems but we ignore the real cause of it. We are lonely and lost because renunciation is just a big word.

We keep looking outside for the light when we should now become the light.”


Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

Needless to say, if you have been reading this blog, you would already know what a commitment phobic and irresponsible idiot I was.

Yes, I used the word: was.

The quote reminds me of an older blog post of mine, titled: The Closing of the Year that was 2009.

If we cannot even start by committing to better ourselves in any small way, then it is no wonder we can’t even commit to other people or to anything bigger than just our diet or exercise.

So, here I am not going to repeat myself.

I am just going to re-post the ending of that blog, because the message is the same.

You are as beautiful and wonderful as you are. Right now, right here.

This moment is going to be as good as it gets until you make that change inside you.

Yes, you have the ability to do anything you want to do, as long as you really put in the effort to achieve it.

No, crying will not change anything.

And no, screaming and shouting will not make it any better.

The one who really loves you will cherish your vulnerability as well as value your strengths.

When people criticize you, it doesn't mean that they hate you or that you are really that bad or lousy.

It means that you just have more room for improvement and you can learn from it and grow from there.

DO NOT wallow in self-pity.

I repeat - Under no circumstances, should you ever allow yourself to wallow in self-pity.

Because if you choose to wallow in self-pity, then you are only fulfilling an 'unpleasant prophecy' about yourself.

But if you choose NOT to believe in being the 'lesser you' and remaining as the 'lesser you', then do something positive for yourself and change for the better.

Above all, make that change for the better LAST and SUSTAINABLE for the rest of your life.

You are worth your every sweat, blood, tears, dreams and hopes.

So, start acting like one. Start believing like one.

Be kind and grateful to as many people as you can because you know very well how pain feels.

Therefore, you should not cause others any more pain or suffering.

Before you actually become a solution, stop being a part of the problem.

Yes, you can do all the above.

Because I am doing it and I am just as worse, if not, much worse than any of you put together.

So, believe in the best of you and allow that very best of you to RISE each and every day.

The rest of your life can be the life you have always dreamed of.

Today can be your true beginning.

It is never too late. It is only too late when you never even gave it a chance.

I say it again, you are worth YOUR every sweat, blood, tears, dreams and hopes.

So, it should all come from you and no one else.

No one else is responsible for you or your life.

You should not marry someone else for their money, but earn your own.

You should not sleep with someone else to reach the top of the ladder, but climb on your own.

You should not use people in order to get what you want in life or love, but use yourself to give what people in your life need and love with all your heart.

Nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same.

This applies to all sadness, pain, joy and pleasures in life and love.

What you understand of the above statement will determine your maturity and ability to live your life to the fullest, and to appreciate life for what it truly is.

This is all I can share and have to share.

The rest is really up to you.

As the year comes to a close, I pray that each and everyone will be loved as much as they should be loving themselves and others.

Day 24: Tuesday, 13th April 2010

DAY TWENTY-FOUR: Tuesday, 13th April 2010

This is my second bout of cold and cough.


I think this Drolchok Puja is really powerful, because the purification process is amazing.

Let me tell you what happened ever since we started doing the Drolchok Puja on Monday 12th April. Yes, it is the same Tara Puja that I wrote about earlier and about making tormas as offerings to Tara. Remember?

Well, I guess the biggest purification (for now) is the absence of maid.

Other than that, it is this lingering headache that will not go away.

Every morning I wake up with it, like a faithful companion.

Then there is this cold and cough that keep coming back.

In fact, I feel like I am being ‘spring-cleaned’ from inside out.

Believe it or not.

So, anyways, I did make myself attend the Puja this evening.

After the puja, I felt slightly better. But I know, it does not end here.

In many instances, purification may get ugly and for some, it may even get worse fr a while before it gets better.

Imagine it is like a detox.

Would you not expect to see all the toxins washed out?

So, it is like that.

Some people are afraid of it because they can’t bear with it, but I do sincerely appreciate.

Because I know I must have accumulated tonnes of bad karma from the beginning of time.

Hence, it is good to be purifying all those things, so that better things can come my way.

So, bring it on. I can take it because it is good for me.

Anyways, this is my DAY TWENTY-FOUR :-

Weight: 54kg

No. Of Prostrations: 35

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: Nil. Not feeling well at all.

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 057.

Quote from Page 057 for Day Twenty-Four:


Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

What a mind-blowing statement!

I think we can get enlightened by just this line alone.

Because if we truly believe that we are part of the solution, then we would start acting like one and start embodying all the qualities of one.

If we don’t, then we remain as we are.

And personally, my reason for spiritual practice is to become part of the solution.

That is truly my reason of being.

So, I use what I have and am good at doing, to be part of the solution.

In this way, I find that I am giving the best of me to becoming part of the solution.

There are so many different individuals in the world, each bestowed with their own unique talents and gifts.

We could all use everyone’s great ideas and help to make better solutions.

It is really impossible for one to know all and do all.

WE could do so much better when we open up and invite people in – all kinds of people.

Then we will build a world that is all inclusive and not exclusive.

I’ll leave with this nice thought and dream about it.

Until tomorrow, ciao ciao!
DAY TWENTY-THREE: Monday, 12th April 2010

So, I have tried to practise all that I have learnt and what I say I will do during all my waking hours. And I remind myself each time I am close to blowing my top that I must be patient and remember all the things that my Guru has taught me.

Sometimes I do it well, sometimes not so well.

But if there was a graph, I am certain it is not going downwards. So, I take heart in the little things that I can do well, and continue building from there.

Today I find myself cleaning my apartment and mopping the floor with a smile.

Although we may not create merits from cleaning, I am sure the Buddha statues appreciate the dust-free and clean environment. After all, they are like my VERY IMPORTANT GUESTS in my home.

So, I keep it nice, bright and clean for them.

By the way, it is not that I have suddenly turned holy-smoley and has cultivated the artistry of house-cleaning.


I just do not have any angst about it all and do not do it grudgingly, that’s all.

I guess, this is my kindergarten level of “Joyous Effort” as spelled out in the 6 Paramitas, instead of painful effort that I usually associate any work with.

I am really very glad that my home does not have that much furniture. Haha

Here, let’s see what my DAY TWENTY-THREE is like :-

Weight: 54kg

No. Of Prostrations: 35 (increased from 30)

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 35 minutes (if we can include household chores too, then it’s more! Haha)

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 085.

Oh what an appropriate quote for me! Wow!

Quote from Page 085 for Day Twenty-Three:

“Saving does not come from an outer source. It comes from yourself.

If you blame others for everything wrong in your life, you give control over your life to them. If you control your life, you cannot blame others.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

This quote rings true for me – through and through.

Not just for this current situation, but for all my life.

It’s funny how I used to think that when things go wrong, it’s immediately someone else’s fault.

Especially, my ex-husband. Haha. Bless his big generous heart!

Like I said, I always viewed myself as the victim. Even if I thought I was so tough and independent and seem to be so capable of doing many great things.

For crying out loud, I left home to study abroad when I was about 7 years old.

I should bloody well be able to do many things on my own by now!

The problem was my great attachment to ease and comfort.

How quickly I have forgotten how to do all those things for myself, when there is someone else to do it for me – every single day.

And if things went wrong, which they naturally would as such is life, then I would throw a big bitch tantrum.

From something as menial as leaks in the bathrooms, to clothes washed with the wrong colours, etc.

It is sooooo easy to order people around, and point that accusing finger and bitch, yes?

All of sudden, I am sitting in this ivory tower issuing judgements like I was so holy-smoley.

Yes, I can laugh about it now. But it was no laughing matter back then.

Many people cried, got angry, got hurt and even left, broken-hearted.

So, how did we get so fragile suddenly and vulnerable for all the wrong things?

Up-bringing? Media? Peer pressure? Society pressure?

You know the Chinese has a saying that we should never ever show our weaknesses and admit our faults for all to see. Because that makes us weak and useless. We must always be on guard and show only our strong and positive side.

Ever thought that our strong and weak sides are actually inter-dependent?

Mutually co-existing on one another?

Why do I say that?

Because the very reason we put up a strong front is just to hide the very things we fear or are weak in.

So, it is all just a show, a grand illusion.

And we are all expert illusionists by now, but not expert saviours of ourselves.

Pain and Fear will always delude us into a twisted way of thinking.

It will disguise what’s truly bad for you as good so that you can escape the pain TEMPORARILY.

But in the end, you and I will still have to face the music.

And funny how, it is always worst at the end.

So, we have all evolved into great illusionists and escape artists.

No wonder we have so little clue about saving ourselves.

Once I tried explaining to someone about what it means to be really in control.

It was not easy. And no, it is not about S&M either.

I do not think I shall even attempt to explain it in here as well.

So, I will leave you all with this thought instead.

When shit happens, I do not fly into a rage, then I am in control.

When I take it upon myself, regardless of what started it and who started it, then I am in control.

When I believe I can resolve it and take responsibility for resolving it, then I am absolutely in control.

No one needs to clean up my shit, no one should - except me.

And when I get the hang of this shit-cleaning, I can even help others to clean theirs - without crippling their own ability to clean, of course.
I used to be called, Shit-Stirrer. Well, because I as so good at stirring up shit for people.
Now, I can change it to Shit-Cleaner.
Much better. More environmentally-friendly too.

Ok, got to go and vaccum my bedroom now.

See you all tomorrow.

Same place, your time.

Monday, April 12, 2010


DAY TWENTY-TWO: Sunday, 11th April 2010

My daughter said to me in all seriousness, “It is better NOT to have children then we can concentrate on work fully. I bet you would be a billionaire by now if you didn’t have me.”

I really cracked up laughing.

What on earth goes on in her mind, I wonder.

She says it’s true because children take too much time and effort.

So, I told her that I may become a billionaire, but I seriously doubt if I would be a good, loving and kind billionaire.

I added that she made me into a much better person and taught me how to care for others and I definitely much rather have that than a billion dollars.

So, off she went happily smiling to herself.

I guess, the one good thing about not having the maid around, I get to do things – every single thing – with my daughter myself, and get re-acquainted with my home.

Now, here is my DAY TWENTY-TWO :-

Weight: 54kg

No. Of Prostrations: 35 (increased from 30)

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 35 minutes

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 019 .

Oh wow, I love this one!

Quote from Page 019 for Day Twenty-Two:

“You want to be spiritual? Buy flowers for your wife. Stop nagging your husband. Take your wives out to eat. Don’t cheat on your husbands and wives, in any way.

You want the greatest practice? The greatest practice is getting behind a steering wheel and taking your mother and father out to eat.

You want the greatest mantra? The greatest mantra is, “How are you, mummy? How are you, daddy? What can I do for you?

You don’t give up your job, because you’re not rich. You keep working until you’re rich (whatever definition of rich is). It would be stupid to say, “I’m not rich, I give up”.

So how can you say, “Certain people don’t practise the Eight Verses of Transforming the Mind and therefore, I’m not going to do it”?

That’s all the more reason you should do it.

That’s all the more reason you should be involved.

That’s all the more reason you should practise”.

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

I guess many people may have started out just like me, who bought all these great books and read them, but after reading them, I still remained the same.

I kept these great books by my bedside table, or shelves, neatly tucked like a library of greatness only to be absorbed when I have the time to take them out to read, and then after that, I would place them back where they belong, along with all the important lessons.

So, where is the real practice? What do I do for the rest of the time, when I am awake?

I sleep for about 4 hours.

But what do I do with my 20-odd hours in each day?

Do I use these waking hours to fully practise everything that I have heard, learnt and read? Or do they just remain tucked neatly into the recesses of my mind, never to see daylight?

So, what is the point of surrounding myself with great books, with wise Gurus and inspiring friends and individuals?

Did I seriously think that their tenacity, wisdom, inspiring ways and devotion would just rub off on me, without any effort coming from me? Or did I believe that just by reading them, and attending teachings, my mind would magically be ‘switched into an Enlightenment mode’?

Gosh, if there was such a thing and it worked – I would be so enlightened by now, I would not have chosen to be reincarnated as me, for sure!

Heck, I would have divorced myself too, if I were married to me!

So, what’s my point here?

We cannot get enlightened and wiser just by reading, attending classes or teachings, or just surrounding ourselves with inspiring everyday heroes.

Our real growth and improvement do not come from just hanging out with them.

Sad, but it’s true.

Yea, I know, because I just had tried about every which way just so I did not have to put in any real effort into any of it. And see where did it get me?

That’s right, nowhere.

The anger was still evident, the frustrations, the laziness and so forth.

Any real change would only come after I have begun activating everything that I have heard, studied, read and listened.

So, as painful as it may be, everything good must be cultivated and nurtured by myself, from within.

Otherwise, the books may be all well read, but inside me were all dusty and mouldy. Because I was literally rotting away from sheer inertness.

And I realised that when I was so bound and attached to my idleness, any movements at all, no matter how big or small, greatly distressed me.

And if any challenges or obstacles arose, I would be found kicking, screaming and punching the walls or furniture.

I hated any sort of disturbances to my state of complete stagnation with a vengeance.

So, the fact that I can still smile, and think of my maid’s well being instead, even when she is gone, then that's a good sign of real change taking place inside me.

I am no longer afraid of things happening to me, and that they would throw my carefully composed environment out of the window.

I can cope with it.

And that to me, is truly liberating.

I am no longer held ransom by my attachments to comforts, convenience and luxury.

They cannot make me into their slaves no more.

I remember Rinpoche always told me that the whole point of all this is to care, and always care about others. The others are always the reason why we continue to practise, and they are the very reason why we practise in the first place.

I never quite understood that.

Because every time something remotely bad or unpleasant happens to me, I’d forget caring about others, compassion and loving kindness faster than a speeding bullet.

I’d be totally and completely caught up with OH WOE IS ME! FUCK! Why the hell this has to happen to me? WHY ME?

Yes, things may have happened to me, but I made darn sure that others around me WOULD feel the after-shocks and tremors so much more than they need to.

Otherwise, I would have made sure that they also suffered the “earthquakes and storms” with me, not realising that I was, of course, the one causing all the big painful commotion for others to bear.

I was just so wrapped with myself - my suffering, my pain, my agony and my utter misery, that I became a walking natural disaster for all.

So, although I know I still have a long way to go, it is a relief to find myself not screaming, crying and dwelling in my self-piteous mode.

It is a great relief to find that I just picked up the mop, cleaned the toilets, wash and dried all my own things – without causing any ‘earthquakes and storms’ to anyone around me, not even to the walls or furniture in my home.

I guess, at the end of the day, how we cope, respond and continue is the very thing that makes us different.

We do not have to be unpleasant and make others feel just as unpleasant because we are having a bad day, or month, or even an unfortunate life.

We all have our own karma to deal with, so there is no need to add onto others’ karma.

But we can definitely help to make everyone’s journey along the way much more bearable, by starting with our own.

Practise + Practice + Consistency = Perfection!

And never give up - ever!

It is precisely because it is hard and painful that we learn, grow and develop.

Happy learning and growing, everyone!

p/s Oh by the way, if you really want to know what is the Eight Verses of Transforming The Mind? Please go into or
Yes, it is worth finding out. Believe me!

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