As my "100 days with If Not Now When" is coming to an end, I have thought of something to do and share with everyone.
Below is the 27 Verses on Mind Training which is composed by the incomparable Lama Tsongkhapa.
So, I thought it would be great if I take each verse, each day and contemplate and meditate on this and then write my thoughts on it. If you would like to join me from where you are, that would be fun.
Tomorrow will be my day 99. Then a new beginning starts!
Twenty-Seven Verses On Mind Training
Composed by Lama Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)
1) With body, speech, and mind fully aligned, I prostrate fervently before those rare beings, who are victorious over all notions of limitation, and before their spiritual daughters and sons. May a cosmic celebration of pure poetry, perfectly expressing the most subtle teaching of these victorious sages and the inheritors of their wisdom, now burst forth like an infinite garden in perpetual spring.
2) Gaze calmly with the clear eye of Prajnaparamita (Perfect Wisdom) upon universal manifestation, this beginningless tapestry woven from vibrant karmic threads of conscious beings, and listen to the harmonious symphony of interdependence. Purify entirely from the slightest shadow of negativity this boundless expanse of apparent struggle and conflict. With diamond-clear intention, instill faith everywhere. With mirrorlike wisdom, stabilize all chaotic minds.
3) If shadows of negativity are not dispelled immediately, these strange insubstantial absences of light gain immense potency with every new action, until even those who understand the dangers of negation will not have enough power to choose the way of Clear Light. Even those who study philosophy and speak eloquently are unable to release themselves from illusory darkness.
4) The full spectrum of struggling and aspiring humanity, from immature persons to advanced contemplatives, suffers the painful delusion of clinging to these empty shadows as they become filled with affective power by self-centered action and intention.
5) This apparent bondage, this clinging to shadows, is constituted by reactions of pleasure and pain, obviously or subtly rooted in self-serving motivation. By those rare beings who have gone beyond, who throughout all time abide in bliss as Buddhas, the true nature of reactions and their results is clearly known to be insubstantial. But the boundless expanse of self-oriented beings, who bind themselves inexorably to selfish motivation, therefore cannot liberate or even distance themselves slightly from egocentricity.
6) We should meditate carefully and thoroughly upon the inevitably binding nature of negativity, learning to discriminate sensitively and unerringly between the actions which negate the preciousness of others and actions which affirm and judiciously care for others. From this clear viewpoint, renounce all negation and strive with the total commitment of your being to become entirely affirmative of all life everywhere.
7) The seeds of action are positive and negative intentions. Any intention consciously rooted in selfless motivation, desiring only sheer goodness for all conscious life, will establish the stable ground of goodness and will universally generate rich results of goodness. Any intention even slightly weakened by selfish motivation undermines both the ground of our life and its fruits. Intention is the sole creative force of existence.
To cling to the intention of triumphing over another, the desire to prosper at the expense of any being or to indulge in the slightest bias against any being because of personal feelings of attraction or repulsion, these alone are the causes for whatever suffering exists in personal lives and in the universe as a whole. We should meditate ceaselessly on this revolutionary truth, remaining conscious of it during every moment of existence.
9) Those who attempt to deceive with words of advice that in any way exalt selfishness and depreciate selflessness become hopelessly lost in narrow-mindedness, obsessed with their own selfish interests. Such persons create the only error in the universe: diverting our precious care and concern for others to ourselves. This deception not only expresses hatred for Buddha's wisdom but is the absurd attempt to destroy universal Buddha nature.
10) To avoid decisively this disastrous way of hatred, bring to birth within your stream of awareness the maternal mind of totally positive intentions toward all beings as toward cherished children. This mind of kindness, supremely skillful in loving care, unveils the infinite value of every single life, demonstrating compassion as the meaning of existence. But the clumsy negative mind, operating blindly without concern for the preciousness of others, drains the nectar of meaning from human life. Cultivate diligently the selfless love that transforms every thought and action into tangible help for conscious beings.
11) The method taught by awakened sages to develop this skillful mind of kindness is to cut the root of all selfish projections by repeatedly and intensively studying Perfect Wisdom, meditating single pointedly on its essence in a state of contemplative stillness and stability. With the clarity and honesty of such concentration, projected worlds of self-serving desire will melt in the sunlight of meditation, like structures of ice, revealing the magnificent secret of our existence, its total significance and absolute justification, which is active compassion for all conscious life.
12) Such meditative practice brings to light the mind which envisions only the well-being of others, which is constantly grateful to all beloved beings for the immeasurable kindness they have poured forth through beginningless time as mothers, fathers, children, friends, benefactors, and teachers. This mind of goodness knows only the ceaseless longing to benefit all these blessed beings without exception in whatever manner and on whatever level imaginable.
13) To remember vividly during every moment the kindness that has been expressed by all beings, and to cultivate an intense and constant longing to return even a small portion of this kindness, unveils the true significance of life in all worlds. The person who fails to respond wholeheartedly to this call for universal kindness and concern is on a lower plane of development than animals, who are capable of experiencing immense gratitude.
14) Those who unhesitatingly embrace and tenderly serve all suffering creatures during this degenerate age, just as a loving mother painstakingly cares for even the most wayward of her children, they alone are the teachers of the holy life who authentically walk the Buddha Way.
15) The mind that faithfully and tirelessly serves and elevates conscious beings is sheer goodness, constantly giving the gift of itself, its faith in ever-expanding goodness, to all other minds thereby benefiting them in the most direct way. Of all possible forms of benefit on any level, the highest is to teach this practice of love, this indomitable faith in universal goodness, by the direct transmission of selfless awareness flowing transparently from mind to mind in accordance with the need and capacity of each mind. This is true teaching, tangibly transmitting the living energy of universal goodness, which becomes perpetually active in the recipient, even during the most pressing times of crisis, never evaporating into mere words or concepts.
16) During this blissful practice, continually cultivating the wonderful, ever-expanding mind of goodness, even the slightest lack of sympathetic joy disappears and awareness becomes more concentrated and selfless, while the selfish emotions and conceptual projections which compose this narrow conventional world are gradually effaced, and we are completely liberated. The brilliant sun of Great Compassion shines unobstructed. The spirit of wholehearted love in every thought and action constitutes the spontaneously radiating sunlight, effortlessly melting the mist of self-centeredness, vastly strengthening our constant efforts for all beings.
17) Beings benefit each other, consciously or unconsciously. Even enemies become profound benefactors in subtle ways. Those who clearly perceive this radical principle find no isolated object for hostile thought. They can discover and encounter only friends, benefactors, and inseparably related beings. This insight avoids aggressive thinking and allows the mind to expand endlessly into wholesomeness, generosity, and sympathy.
18) Never offering the slightest encouragement to hostility, never hesitating to embrace the concerns of others, pay complete attention to every altruistic impulse that arises in the stream of pure awareness. Contemplate the teaching of selfless compassion, calming and clarifying the turbulent flood of egocentric mind with the sweetest meditation. Renounce the meaninglessness of selfish life. Become devoted to the true meaning of existence: the spontaneous, active compassion for all living beings. If one does not refute self-centered motivation, the subtle tendencies of the mind can never be free from the gross or subtle disposition to negation.
19) Transform the intense activity of daily life into the harmonious expression and teaching of truth by affectionately reminding and being reminded that the bitter dark fruits of negating others are poisonous, to be most carefully avoided, while the sweet bright fruits of affirming others are life-giving, to be thoroughly enjoyed. Authentic delight exists only in serving others, and suffering springs only from harming others or insensitively ignoring the needs of living beings, all of whom are as intimately related to us as our own precious mother and father.
20) So sensitive an ecology is the interdependence of all, that the slightest attention and assistance to others creates moral elevation for ourselves and humanity, while the slightest indifference or neglect toward others creates moral harm for ourselves and our civilization. The faintest spark of ill will toward other beings can burst forth into a terrible forest fire, consuming vast expanses of sympathetic joy. Even the faintest negative reaction or malicious wish opens wide channels throughout our entire being for life-destroying poisons of negation and life-obscuring shadows of self-cherishing.
21) Cast far away from all precious humanity these lethal doses, these ominous shadows, by cultivating instinctive admiration and love for those who practice the way of selflessness. Adore such bodhisattvas for their irreversible vow to remain intimate with the struggle of living beings as beacons of love and as the light of panoramic vision.
22) Once identified with this luminous way of life, you will experience every moment as soaked in bliss, tasting the delight of compassionate responses to even the most negative actions of other beings. I have composed this poem of rapturous affection further to strengthen the diamond-sharp conviction of those already faithful to the path of wisdom.
23) Gazing back over these exuberant verses, I perceive an abundant banquet of poetry, easy to assimilate and to understand clearly. Entirely in accord with the teaching of the sutras and with the deep realization of awakened sages, these words are full of subtle nourishment. To contemplate their various levels of meaning is not only to taste the nectar of wisdom but is to walk the sublime path of compassion.
24) This surprising poem condenses into a few verses the profound and extensive teachings of my lineage. I have composed these melodic lines, like heavenly wish-fulfilling gems, to benefit the minds of all beloved beings. Those with strong capacity for meditation in action will deepen their insight into the nature of Reality by following these words into the heart of Buddha.
25) Some authors tie complex knots of philosophical terms, while others rave incoherently like mad persons. In the most beautiful hermitage, the snow mountains of Tibet, this poet, known as Ever-Expanding Mind of Goodness, has attempted to write with richness and lucidity.
26) May the bliss of the mystical fusion of transcendent wisdom with tender compassion fall like sweet summer rain from dark blue clouds, the motivation of goodness, skillfully and gracefully opened by lightening flashes of selfless awareness. May conscious beings in every realm and condition enjoy their glorious existence as the dynamic play of Lord Buddha's four modes of manifestation: transparent, universal, heavenly, and earthly.
27) Having become, through the medium of this poem, the powerful and eloquent speech of Divine Manjushri, speaking directly with the harmonious and melodious voice of the transcendent Wisdom Deity, may I and all my relations and companions, from small insects to tenth-level bodhisattvas, attain the blessings of primordial Buddha nature: infinite bliss, infinite fulfillment, infinite perfection, and universal conscious enlightenment.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Road Map to Your Complete Emancipation - A Blow by Blow Account
What does total freedom actually mean to you?
Do you imagine it to be having loads of cash so you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want?
Or is it having absolute power so you can do whatever you want, whenever you want with whoever you want?
Or is it both?
Personally, I see liberation as having complete mastery over myself. To me, that is true power and not just strength or absolute power. And it is definitely something all the money in the world cannot buy.
Because until we have total mastery over ourselves, we can’t be free in every sense of the word – even if we have shit load of money and unlimited authority.
The money and authority would just turn us into bigger jerks, and make us more arrogant than we already are. They are just means to hide (or shall I say, bury) our insecurities and real issues even deeper. At best, they become tools to inflate our egos beyond recognition.
IF you are really interested in true liberation and not some shallow delusional version of it, then please read on.
I have extracted a recent post from H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s blog: and posted it below for your easy reference. In this particular blog post, he elucidates – step by step – on how we can start practising NOW to gain our true freedom.
I am sharing this because this is applicable to all of us - yes, I do mean, all of us.
After Rinpoche's Blog post, I will expound on how it truly relates to our lives in today's context.
Look at it this way, someone must really care for you to do this eventhough we have not met or will never meet. It took me four days to complete writing this post, because I had to think and re-think about everything I wanted to write.
I really want to share something meaningful and of value with each of you.
Now, I am sure this is the very same reason my Guru wrote his blog post too.
So, please read with an open mind and heart.
Do you imagine it to be having loads of cash so you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want?
Or is it having absolute power so you can do whatever you want, whenever you want with whoever you want?
Or is it both?
Personally, I see liberation as having complete mastery over myself. To me, that is true power and not just strength or absolute power. And it is definitely something all the money in the world cannot buy.
Because until we have total mastery over ourselves, we can’t be free in every sense of the word – even if we have shit load of money and unlimited authority.
The money and authority would just turn us into bigger jerks, and make us more arrogant than we already are. They are just means to hide (or shall I say, bury) our insecurities and real issues even deeper. At best, they become tools to inflate our egos beyond recognition.
IF you are really interested in true liberation and not some shallow delusional version of it, then please read on.
I have extracted a recent post from H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s blog: and posted it below for your easy reference. In this particular blog post, he elucidates – step by step – on how we can start practising NOW to gain our true freedom.
I am sharing this because this is applicable to all of us - yes, I do mean, all of us.
After Rinpoche's Blog post, I will expound on how it truly relates to our lives in today's context.
Look at it this way, someone must really care for you to do this eventhough we have not met or will never meet. It took me four days to complete writing this post, because I had to think and re-think about everything I wanted to write.
I really want to share something meaningful and of value with each of you.
Now, I am sure this is the very same reason my Guru wrote his blog post too.
So, please read with an open mind and heart.
Starting On Vajra Yogini NOW!
The best anyone can do if not enlightenment for now, is to gain mastery over taking rebirth coupled with developing Three Principle Paths. Where you want to take rebirth can be determined by yourself if you practice the sacred Vajra Yogini Tantra thoroughly.
Start now before you are awarded the Vajra Yogini empowerment by:
Holding vows and commitments.
Be honourable and have integrity.
Whatever work or practices you've been assigned, do it diligently and happily.
Develop contemplations on the good qualities of one's lama again and again.
Never give up.
Practice the 8 Verses of Thought Transformation.
Make it a point to get along with everyone or as much as possible & be forgiving.
Study Lam Rim, Wheel of Sharp Weapons, Bodhisattvacha-avatara by Shantideva, Lojong, 50 Verses of Guru Devotion by Ashvagosha.
Commit to one practice that is light and easy yet profound such as Tsongkapa Guru Yoga daily without fail.
Follow your Teacher loyally and all the way.
Then next step:
Engage in the preliminary practices slowly but surely and finish.
Guru Yoga
Water offerings
35 Confessional Buddhas
Don't start practice only when you get Vajra Yogini's empowerment, because you can start now! Prepare for the empowerment immediately by engaging everything I mentioned above. You have Vajra Yogini now. She is everywhere and She is ready for you. If you wish or if your teacher says start, start in this way that I've written. Start now. Don't wait. Nothing happens when we wait. It gets harder the longer we wait.
Obtain a sacred image of Vajra Yogini on your shrine and do all the practices I mentioned 'directed' or focussed towards Her. All the practices, readings, contemplations use Her as your Universal Buddha. The Buddha that encompasses all Enlightened Beings as your focus. Hence you create powerful affinity with Her this way. So you should be starting now. If you do as I have mentioned, then when you finally recieve the Empowerment of Vajra Yogini, you will be READY to practice Her sacred Tantra and reap the results much quicker!! Reap the results quicker because you have prepared for it well and thoroughly. Don't recieve a sacred empowerment of Vajra Yogini without doing the preparatory practices now when you have the chance.
Good Luck!
Don't waste time and procrastinate due to excuses that arise from empty reasonings.
Tsem Tulku
(Just a short & quick advice)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
DAY 84: The Unbearable Delusion of Being
DAY: Eighty-Four (84/100)
DAILY SADHANAS: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Yes, my laptop is back and I am slowly recovering my life’s work. Although I have to say, a lot will be lost forever. (So kind of karma to unload crap on my behalf. Considering most of the crap is basically my own bad writing.)
Lately, I have been having this feeling of heaviness - like an unshakeable sense of weariness.
Everything I see around me is just a constant repetition of the same ol’ thing, over and over again.
Connecting back into the cyberworld, such as Facebook allows me to see Samsara in FULL H.D. That is, High Definition. And I am not just talking about other people’s thoughts and activities, mine as well.
Not too long ago – I’d be FB-ing about the places I have been, yet to visit, all my exploits, feastings, adventures, escapades, tantrums, parties – it’s all about desire, desire, desire – all mine, of course.
And I look at some friends around me – they are still doing just that. Yup, their lives revolve around just that.
There is nothing wrong with having fun – but if that is all there is to one’s life, then it is rather sad, no?
One big party after another, shopping, holidays, spas, slimming centers, the new diet, the new boyfriend, the new girlfriend, the new car, the new watch, the new house, the new jewellry, the Birkin Crocodile bag, etc ?
This is the sum of one’s life and we are actually proud of it?!
This is why we work so hard all our lives, even at the cost of shortening our lives, the risk of being in debt – it is all for these?
I am sorry but I could not help but wonder who is the ‘genius’ that started all this ‘delusional slave-driven lifestyle’.
Oh yes, I do say it is slavery at its best – because it is making us all work our asses off, and we still have no clue as to why, because we are too pre-occuppied with buying into the ‘delusions’ that they are marketing – from the ‘lifestyle’ to the very products that carry huge important logos on them because they validate our success in life.
This modern-day slavery – the best kind ever – whereby we keep working for a system that feeds the richest in the lands, while we keep struggling to make ends meet so that we can buy more of whatever they are manufacturing. And because they market them so well that we are so convinced that we actually need all these crap.
So, buying never ends.
The ‘feeding frenzy’ never ends – from credit cards, to housing loans/mortgages, to car loans, etc.
This sums up what it means when we say, we’re ‘surviving’ in this world.
Surviving for who, actually? How?
What real beneifts have we truly received?
Even after so–called buying everything we thought we really wanted, we then begin another new process – MAINTENANCE of all these crap.
Don’t get me wrong – I am not trying to sound holier than thou here.
I was the best regular customer of this “delusional slave-driven system”. (I may have even been a shareholder!)
From the Silver, I got upgraded to a Gold, then onto the Platinum, and now, finally, they have a BLACK card?!
What’s next? Invisible card? Because you are so well known and such a high net worth individual, everyone ought to know you by name and face recognition already?
As I have said earlier, it’ll never end. It's an addictive merciless cycle.
And yet they can give IT all such sweet sounding names like - healthy competition, enterprising, entreprenuerial, in search of excellence, raising the standards and quality of life, giving consumers more or better products...yes, it is all very convincing.
If every single thing that has been created is meant to make our lives better, then why are more people getting stressed out, various mental illnesses, angersome, more impatient, and feeling less connected with the rest of their community.
It seems that we have done a great job in creating and developing outer technology but we have not developed much of our inner technology. We seek the external to compensate our internal lacking.
Results speak for themselves. Take a good look around you.
And whatever we seem to create spawns worse side effects – from pollution to illness, to violence, greed, hatred, war, and etc.
Oh yea, there are all these fine prints and clauses in the whole deal. No freebies! It's pleasure with a terminal long term payment.
If those things that we so proudly create and claim to own are truly good for us, then the results should be good for us all. There should be more peace, more harmony, zero-stress, no pollution, a more balanced distribution of wealth, food and resources shared amongst one another. But the results are not as such, are they?
To put it simply and directly – we are all addicted to Samsara and its products of Grand Delusion.
So much so that to live without any of them would seem impossible and down right, painful.
We simply can’t and won’t.
The delusion has become our most beloved attachment.
I admit I have developed a strong distaste against all things material.
I admit that I do not buy into the ‘feeding frenzy’ as I used to.
And it is not because I am better or have turned so goody-goody. Fat chance!
I just hate being trapped in a maddening cycle that repeats itself day in and day out.
And what's worse, I am forced to maintain that ruthlessness. Then is it any wonder that I become a ruthless predator myself in due course!
These days, even if I do BUY ANYTHING now, it would be for a whole different purpose.
It’s definitely not to make me feel better because I certainly do not need them to justify anything in my life, or my very being. Yes, it would all be related to the Dharma work and lessons that I am practising.
In any case, whatever we have and want to accumulate or buy will only last for a short while. We can’t take anything with us when we die.
And we will all die at some point.
H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche wrote a truly mind-blowing blog entitled, “The Beginning” about life on earth, and how we truly own nothing. And the only thing we can take with us is our minds. Do have a read at
I do warn you first, ya. It might be hard for some of you to ‘stomach’. Especially, the pictures Rinpoche had posted. But then again, the truth is always difficult for us to swallow.
I don’t know why that is so.
May be it’s because we have been put into a comatose state of delusion for way too long.
Reflection for the last nine days from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 099.
Quote from Page 099 for Day Eighty-Four :
“Why run away, avoid and deny? Why not give in to concern, acting for others, great love, generosity, offering of time, effort or care for others, acceptance, patience and calm abiding? That is who we really are...If Enlightenment is not within, then where might it be?
Don’t look for love. Create it with whoever you meet.
Don’t have ill motive for money, gain and possessions from others and you will gain others’ trust, confidence and help.
Don’t find and magnify your own endless problems but solve, listen to and find solutions for others’ turmoil.
Then you will grow within and without.”
Personal Thoughts and Feelings:
Great beautiful words, as always.
Sadly, many may not even relate to them or identify with them.
The caring and selfless make up the minority in today’s world.
I guess, in a world of self-serving delusional beings, the selfless truth seekers/upholders might seem like a bunch of stupid, mad, useless idealists.
Similarly, in a world intoxicated with madness, the sane few would look completely deranged.
Sobriety is a dirty word today.
As for me, I am still in rehab – recovering from my utter state of ‘drunkenness’.
Becoming awake is both painful, darn right exasperating and dreadfully challenging...I fall back and forth, up and down, some days I don't know if I winning or losing, but then I realised that waking up is the only thing worth doing.
Because this is the only thing I can take with me, life after life.
I rather invest in that.
DAY: Eighty-Four (84/100)
DAILY SADHANAS: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Yes, my laptop is back and I am slowly recovering my life’s work. Although I have to say, a lot will be lost forever. (So kind of karma to unload crap on my behalf. Considering most of the crap is basically my own bad writing.)
Lately, I have been having this feeling of heaviness - like an unshakeable sense of weariness.
Everything I see around me is just a constant repetition of the same ol’ thing, over and over again.
Connecting back into the cyberworld, such as Facebook allows me to see Samsara in FULL H.D. That is, High Definition. And I am not just talking about other people’s thoughts and activities, mine as well.
Not too long ago – I’d be FB-ing about the places I have been, yet to visit, all my exploits, feastings, adventures, escapades, tantrums, parties – it’s all about desire, desire, desire – all mine, of course.
And I look at some friends around me – they are still doing just that. Yup, their lives revolve around just that.
There is nothing wrong with having fun – but if that is all there is to one’s life, then it is rather sad, no?
One big party after another, shopping, holidays, spas, slimming centers, the new diet, the new boyfriend, the new girlfriend, the new car, the new watch, the new house, the new jewellry, the Birkin Crocodile bag, etc ?
This is the sum of one’s life and we are actually proud of it?!
This is why we work so hard all our lives, even at the cost of shortening our lives, the risk of being in debt – it is all for these?
I am sorry but I could not help but wonder who is the ‘genius’ that started all this ‘delusional slave-driven lifestyle’.
Oh yes, I do say it is slavery at its best – because it is making us all work our asses off, and we still have no clue as to why, because we are too pre-occuppied with buying into the ‘delusions’ that they are marketing – from the ‘lifestyle’ to the very products that carry huge important logos on them because they validate our success in life.
This modern-day slavery – the best kind ever – whereby we keep working for a system that feeds the richest in the lands, while we keep struggling to make ends meet so that we can buy more of whatever they are manufacturing. And because they market them so well that we are so convinced that we actually need all these crap.
So, buying never ends.
The ‘feeding frenzy’ never ends – from credit cards, to housing loans/mortgages, to car loans, etc.
This sums up what it means when we say, we’re ‘surviving’ in this world.
Surviving for who, actually? How?
What real beneifts have we truly received?
Even after so–called buying everything we thought we really wanted, we then begin another new process – MAINTENANCE of all these crap.
Don’t get me wrong – I am not trying to sound holier than thou here.
I was the best regular customer of this “delusional slave-driven system”. (I may have even been a shareholder!)
From the Silver, I got upgraded to a Gold, then onto the Platinum, and now, finally, they have a BLACK card?!
What’s next? Invisible card? Because you are so well known and such a high net worth individual, everyone ought to know you by name and face recognition already?
As I have said earlier, it’ll never end. It's an addictive merciless cycle.
And yet they can give IT all such sweet sounding names like - healthy competition, enterprising, entreprenuerial, in search of excellence, raising the standards and quality of life, giving consumers more or better products...yes, it is all very convincing.
If every single thing that has been created is meant to make our lives better, then why are more people getting stressed out, various mental illnesses, angersome, more impatient, and feeling less connected with the rest of their community.
It seems that we have done a great job in creating and developing outer technology but we have not developed much of our inner technology. We seek the external to compensate our internal lacking.
Results speak for themselves. Take a good look around you.
And whatever we seem to create spawns worse side effects – from pollution to illness, to violence, greed, hatred, war, and etc.
Oh yea, there are all these fine prints and clauses in the whole deal. No freebies! It's pleasure with a terminal long term payment.
If those things that we so proudly create and claim to own are truly good for us, then the results should be good for us all. There should be more peace, more harmony, zero-stress, no pollution, a more balanced distribution of wealth, food and resources shared amongst one another. But the results are not as such, are they?
To put it simply and directly – we are all addicted to Samsara and its products of Grand Delusion.
So much so that to live without any of them would seem impossible and down right, painful.
We simply can’t and won’t.
The delusion has become our most beloved attachment.
I admit I have developed a strong distaste against all things material.
I admit that I do not buy into the ‘feeding frenzy’ as I used to.
And it is not because I am better or have turned so goody-goody. Fat chance!
I just hate being trapped in a maddening cycle that repeats itself day in and day out.
And what's worse, I am forced to maintain that ruthlessness. Then is it any wonder that I become a ruthless predator myself in due course!
These days, even if I do BUY ANYTHING now, it would be for a whole different purpose.
It’s definitely not to make me feel better because I certainly do not need them to justify anything in my life, or my very being. Yes, it would all be related to the Dharma work and lessons that I am practising.
In any case, whatever we have and want to accumulate or buy will only last for a short while. We can’t take anything with us when we die.
And we will all die at some point.
H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche wrote a truly mind-blowing blog entitled, “The Beginning” about life on earth, and how we truly own nothing. And the only thing we can take with us is our minds. Do have a read at
I do warn you first, ya. It might be hard for some of you to ‘stomach’. Especially, the pictures Rinpoche had posted. But then again, the truth is always difficult for us to swallow.
I don’t know why that is so.
May be it’s because we have been put into a comatose state of delusion for way too long.
Reflection for the last nine days from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 099.
Quote from Page 099 for Day Eighty-Four :
“Why run away, avoid and deny? Why not give in to concern, acting for others, great love, generosity, offering of time, effort or care for others, acceptance, patience and calm abiding? That is who we really are...If Enlightenment is not within, then where might it be?
Don’t look for love. Create it with whoever you meet.
Don’t have ill motive for money, gain and possessions from others and you will gain others’ trust, confidence and help.
Don’t find and magnify your own endless problems but solve, listen to and find solutions for others’ turmoil.
Then you will grow within and without.”
Personal Thoughts and Feelings:
Great beautiful words, as always.
Sadly, many may not even relate to them or identify with them.
The caring and selfless make up the minority in today’s world.
I guess, in a world of self-serving delusional beings, the selfless truth seekers/upholders might seem like a bunch of stupid, mad, useless idealists.
Similarly, in a world intoxicated with madness, the sane few would look completely deranged.
Sobriety is a dirty word today.
As for me, I am still in rehab – recovering from my utter state of ‘drunkenness’.
Becoming awake is both painful, darn right exasperating and dreadfully challenging...I fall back and forth, up and down, some days I don't know if I winning or losing, but then I realised that waking up is the only thing worth doing.
Because this is the only thing I can take with me, life after life.
I rather invest in that.
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