Monday, May 23, 2011


Can a cookbook really launch a journey?

Well, apparently it can.

In VEG & THE CITY, two girls played by Shin Tan and myself, begin their vegetarian journey with the help of a cookbook. The cookbook is part of a house warming gift from their neighbour, Ms. Jamie Khoo.

The show is an all-new series to promote vegetarianism as a healthy lifestyle that is fun, simple, easy and convenient. The show chronicles our every day life drama as vegetarians in the city of Kuala Lumpur.

In the first episode, I cooked (yes, really cooked) a dish from the cookbook. It's Broccoli sauteed with Onion and Ginger. For more information about the cookbook, EAT HEALTHY DAILY, please click here.

EAT HEALTHY DAILY is not only a vegetarian cookbook, it also provides healing through food. Each recipe has been specially selected for its healing properties.

It  is a recipe book of simple vegetarian dishes and more. It is a book of dietary strategies to successfully combat the drawback of modern civilization’s health ills, including cancer, diabetes and obesity. Poor eating habits and too much processed food are hardly conducive to good health. Obesity, as well as diabetes, with attendant problems is on the rise. Cancer, no respecter of status, hits at everyone, rich and poor.

“People sometimes forget to take their medication but they never forget to eat. It’s human nature. We must have our meals every single day. If the food we consume can help prevent illness, then this food is better than any kind of medicine.”

Seriously, if I can cook, anyone can cook. And this is proof that the cookbook is extremely user-friendly and easy to follow.

Hope you all enjoy the show and as we say, "SEE YOU ALL IN THE NEXT EPISODE!"

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