Friday, April 23, 2010

DAY 33: The EGO died this morning at 4am sharp

DAY THIRTY-THREE: Thursday, 22nd April 2010

The sword glimmers like a jewel

As it catches the light

Before it slices through the air

And cuts off my head

A river of red flows

Carrying the debris

From a beginning that has no end

My heart still beats

But softly now

The head gave a final

Shrilling scream

Before descending

Into a tomb of silence

I lay me down to rest

To a place I truly belong

As the dirt beneath your feet

And here I shall stay


Kissing the soles of every being

Nurturing every soul

From the ground up

Now, we can get on with DAY THIRTY-THREE :-

Weight: 53kg

No. Of Prostrations: 40

Daily Sadhanas: Check and Done with Death Meditation and Dzambala Mantra.

Physical Exercise: 35 minutes

Daily Reflection from "IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" – Here we go. I close my eyes and I picked out page 053.

Quote from Page 053 for Day Thirty-Three:

“Anger is impermanent; disharmony is impermanent.

We must ask ourselves where we will be once that is over.

That’s more important than the moment of anger.”

Personal Thoughts and Feelings:

It is a good thing I just killed the ego then.

I don’t have to deal with its sanctimonious Bull Shit Fury anymore.

Now, moving on swiftly....hello Day 34 and to the rest of my blissfully hope-filled life!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful poem and thank you so much for your daily blog.


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